Saturday, 14 February 2015

The Invisible Bankers

Invisible Bankers Insurance Industry Insurance Industry in the 1982 book Everything you ever wanted to know. It is only in his earlier book, Investment Guide You'll Ever Need by Andrew Tobias financial journalist who became famous for was written by. Such consumers typically buy - is the life, auto, health insurance and Fire financial details. Insurance Insurance is often a victim of fraud, because insurance companies have to be careful with them. They live in a still significant small percentage of mistakenly believe that hope is in vain to get discouraged or valid mussels have the right to refuse or settling for less could induce the addition of its insured, a dubious assertion theory insurer may be more wrong was. This makes it difficult to deal with insurers. This book is both mathematics and insurance business in the first guide for consumers in general.

Title insurance industry, the banking industry, almost as much as the control, however, is largely unregulated by the federal government and is controlled by the state referred to haphazardly. Some of these perverse incentives for companies argue that their transactions. System US insurance derivatives combined with structural problems of incentives clumsy controls classifieds took that concept, can be a cause of health care costs high, it is conceivable that. Unfortunately, due to (whether it is controlled by the government or privately controlled) defines the industry and asymmetric information, there is no simple solution is available. Health care is a major problem in the short and long term, the essential message of this book is to explore the theoretical and practical.

The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need

Andrew Guide only investment you'll ever need: Tobias and concerns of the general rules that can save lives by a book written by. Since then, every few years, and revised in 1978, coming out, it's like the other books in the popular investment Investment Guide Beardstown Ladies beat and Fidelity Magellan Fund, beating the Street by Peter Lynch. Burton Malkiel A Random Walk Down Wall Street, along with the book, which is reasonable for general readers guide as well as personal finance and investment market Flim helps to see through the lies.


In short, the book is the following advice:

1. unreliable method of extracting immense treasure fleet.

2. One of the income must not exceed the cost. (Main method of the book seeks to preserve capital.)

3. One of the expenses exceed the cost of rent one to determine the nature of the mind is to know whether they should be.

4. Be careful with financial advertising. It is aimed at those who offer advertisers and financial institutions often go against the interests of small to investors.

5. One is unlikely to lose its nominal value, which must be an account of one of the first thousand dollars. (Eg account has been discussed in the book. It is normal for an indefinite period can not be sold, all of which have been discussed bonds.)

6. For a retiree and one of the children of advanced academic education should employ a tax-sheltered account.

7. One of the words for the rest of the labor market, low-cost mutual fund shares are unloaded per month should commit to a certain amount. After a severe or prolonged decline in market will be less money than usual. Moreover, a year after the market has risen sharply to commit more money than usual. (The book of common means of investing in stocks, discusses their advantages and dangers.)

8. reliably no matter how much time is spent on the job and in the labor market than the average stock market returns can be high. And to commit to a certain amount of regular task of index funds without spending the time and effort to market on average can achieve almost the same. Therefore, one of the meanings of the long-term commitments and will have to return to the regular routine.

9. To activate the market rate of income is some evidence that complex strategy, laborious, expensive, unreliable should be restricted. (To be discussed in the book, and one of them a lot of time, effort, or should not even explain why spend the money.) Just steps must commit to a certain amount of background.

If you are not an expert, so it probably will buy: commodies, or coins, stamps, car, collectibles, autographs, photos, art or anything, because 2 to 10. The investment is not worth the cost for amateur investors to a specialist. Second, you can buy at a good price, even if you can sell to a specialist, and one will lose money on the sale. (PG 10)

11. Low prices and profits to combat market, most of the time. All stocks with high PE stocks if the market crashes, waiting for six months. (PG 86)

At least equal to the amount you will have to find a bank that 12 Buy dividends. (PG 81)

13 Just the same time, or at all, with the same company to diversify by buying stocks, you do not have to invest money for the next five years. (Chapter 5)

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